Friday, January 7, 2011

My Own "State of the Union"

If you read my previous post on Setting Goals for 2011, you know one important trait successful people have is they WRITE down the goals they want to achieve. There is something about putting pen to paper that helps to solidify information in our brains and gives the information more value. I saw this principle played out time and time again when I was in college: the most successful students weren't necessarily the brightest students, but they were amazing at taking notes in class!

I think the best example of effective goal setting is the President's yearly State of the Union Address. First, a review of the previous year, both the successes as well as the failures helps to define the current state of the union. Before we set our new goals, we should do the same and take time to honestly review the prior year. What worked and what didn't? Next, a well written list of goals for the upcoming year is created, highlighting all the President and his team want to accomplish. Second, the President shares those goals with those who will hold him accountable, in this case the Congress. And lastly, he must take action in order to move his agenda forward and reach those goals.  Obviously, there is great benefit in writing down your goals, sharing those goals with others (for accountability) and then taking action on those goals. In other words: WRITE IT, SHARE IT, GET TO IT!!!!

I spent some time after everyone went to bed and the house was quiet to write out my goals for the upcoming year. Being a person of faith, I spent some time in prayer, seeking wisdom and guidance before I wrote even a single word. I believe we each have a purpose, and I want my goals to align with that greater purpose. Then I spent time thinking about the person I want to be. I want to be a good example to my girls. I want to be a loving and supportive wife. I want to be a reliable and trusted friend. I want to be a charitable and giving person. I want to work on certain areas of my life with greater discipline, such as my health and finances. Then I included some really ambitious goals, ones that even I think are going to be really tough to attain, but these are GOALS and if I make them all easy to attain, what's the point?

I wrote them out with a Sharpie: no erasing, no going back....permanent marker, permanent changes. I ended up with 14 Goals for 2011. I know most goal-setting experts would say no more than 10 is ideal, but I want to be ambitious, to stretch myself. After all, if I aim for the stars and hit the moon, that's going to be quite an achievement! Then, I stuck the list up on the fridge for all my family to see. I want their accountability, I need their accountability and I want them to know they are reason I'm striving to reach these goals in the first place.

I hope you'll write out your goals for 2011, share them with your family and take action! Momma's are amazing people! Create your own "State of the Union". Set some goals, achieve them and amaze yourself!

There is joy in the journey!

Thanks friends!

(a.k.a. NW Momma)

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